Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Really Busy Day!

Hi Grandson,

Today was one of those days that makes Grandma just want to pack her bags and go on vacation! Grandma owns a medical billing school on the internet. You can find my business by going to www.medicalbillingcourse.com/. I've had this business since 2001 and it has grown steadily and has done very well. I'm just short on employees right now which requires me to work a lot. We have ads in the newspaper coming out tomorrow, Thursday and Friday looking for 2 employees. I can't wait! I could use a vacation. I will tell you more about my business another day because I'd rather talk about where I would like to go on vacation.

I've been to Greece and I love it there... and I'd like to be able to go there a month or two out of every year, but there are also places that I've heard about that I would love to go to.

Here is my list of places I would like to visit:
  • #1 - Fort Wayne, IN - to see my grandson
  • South Bend, IN - to see my Stacey and Ryan Strandberg
  • Sweden (that is where I have biological roots)
  • Panama (I just want to see what it is like)
  • Bora Bora (french polynesia - just curious about the huts on the water)
  • Ireland (I want to see the countryside and stay at a simple Irish "Inn")
  • Springfield, IL - to visit my brother, sister and families

I've been out of the country to Greece, Cypress, Japan, Mexico, Canada. There are only a few states in the US that I have not been to: Alaska, Maine, Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming, Lousianna, Oregon, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey. I love to see new places but I don't have the patience to drive unless we stop often. I'd rather fly to new destinations. I love going to places where you get to experience a whole new culture.

So far, out of all the places I've been, Greece is my favorite. It is beautiful, the food is so good, the life there is relaxing and there is so much to see and to do. The water is beautiful and a perfect temperature. When I went to Greece, I traveled all over, but me and Grandpa stayed on the Island of Crete. Grandpa was stationed in the Navy there and he ran a television station.

You can take a boat from Crete to Athens. It is a huge boat with several restaurants. You have your own room with beds and a shower. The boat leaves Crete at around 9 PM and gets into Athens at 6 AM... so you get to eat, go to bed and wake up in Athens. Athens is unbelievable! It is so old. I will tell you more about the places we traveled to in Greece in future posts because there is just so much information behind all the places we went.

I love you Ryan!


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