Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Left Handed Grandson

Your Aunt Stacey told me today that you are left handed! That is really neat to me because I can't think of any left-handies on our side of the family. I will have to ask your Aunt Monica if she knows of any. Aunt Monica and her brother, Uncle Sven (Junior) are my brother and sister. I didn't grow up knowing them as my brother and sister (me and Debby were adopted) and they stayed with our biological parents. I will tell you more about them at another time.

People say that left-handies (southpaws) are very creative, imaginative, good at math, artistic. Our current President (Obama) is left handed. We've had 8 left-handed presidents:

  • James A. Garfield (20th)

  • Herbert Hoover (31st)

  • Harry S. Truman (33rd)

  • Gerald Ford (38th)

  • Ronald Reagan (40th)

  • George H.W. Bush (41st)

  • William J. Clinton (42nd)

  • Barrack Obama (44th)

Some of the most famous left handed people from yesteryear, are without doubt some of the greatest and influential individuals who have ever lived. Horatio Nelson, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Pablo Picasso, Julius Caesar, Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Winston Churchill, Napoleon Bonaparte - and Josephine, Queen Victoria, Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Marie Curie and Albert Einstein. (Grandma loves reading quotes by Albert Einstein. They are simple and powerful at the same time).

Grandma Loves Her South Paw.


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