Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm Sorry Your Guinea Pig Died

Hi Grandson,

I heard today that your Guinea Pig died and I am so sorry. I bet you loved him very much and this hurt you. I know how much you can love a pet.. I love mine. Your Guinea Pig is in Guinea Pig Heaven, and he is doing fine, I promise.

Grandma has 2 Huskey's and 1 Lab. I love them all but my favorite is one of the Huskeys (Diablo). He is my favorite because I am his favorite and he thinks I belong to him. If I get upset, he knows and he tries to comfort me. He shows love to me so much. He will come up to me and just nibble on my ears with his teeth. He doesn't like when the other dogs show me affections. He will stand in their way and not let them get to me.

When your dad was growing up, we had a dog named Thurman. Your dad named him after Thurman Thomas. The night of your dad's graduation party, someone left the door open and Thurman ran away and was killed on the Toll Road. Thurman had been with us for a very long time and we all loved him. When we would leave the house, he would open the refrigerator and get food out. We don't know how he did it.

We had a cat named Leroy. Leroy was an awesome cat! That cat taught every dog we had how to love it and protect it. Our dogs loved and protected Leroy. One day someone ran over Leroy's tail and that cat began having nerve problems. We had to put him to sleep. It hurt so bad to do this but it was better for Leroy.

Many years ago, when I was pregnant with your Aunt Stacey, the first pet I ever had got sick and had to be put to sleep. She was the neatest poodle named Buffy. Buffy Reno Wheelan. My brother bought me that dog when I was about 11 years old. That dog slept with me, listened to me, played with me, loved me. I loved her so much! Since I was pregnant, I didn't go with to put him to sleep. I just remember Aunt Dee Dee and Nanna calling me on the phone asking what they should do. The doctor said Buffy could have surgery to attempt to save her but it didn't look good. I told them to just have her put to sleep. I didn't want her to go through agony. She lived a good life. Nanna came home bawling telling the story about how she held Buffy in her arms, and as Buffy went to sleep, Nanna said Buffy looked at her as if to say, "It's Okay." That is what made me feel better.

Losing a pet is hard, sweetheart. But your Guinea is in good and loving hands.



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