Friday, April 10, 2009

Staying a Couple More Nights in Virginia Beach

Hi My Beautiful Grandson,

We decided to stay a couple more nights in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The weather is really nice here and we moved to a better hotel. We have a view of the Atlantic Ocean and I have the sliding glass doors open and can hear the waves and Grandma is loving it. It's just now starting to get dark. So relaxing and peaceful.

Grandpa and Uncle E.J. went out to find something to do. Grandma is a home-body type person. I am happy to be here in the room, listening to the waves and watching FOX news on TV and writing to you. I'm also IM'ing with Aunt Stacey. I love my kids and I love spending time with them - even when it's on the computer. My kids and my husband and my dogs are my world. I am happy when my family is happy. I started working really hard in my life when I was young to be able to take care of my parents and to make sure all people I love can be taken care of. That is what drives Grandma. I work hard because I never want to say "I can't help" when someone I love needs help.

Set your goals high because there isn't anything you cannot accomplish, if that is what you want for yourself. My dad used to tell me all the time that I was "smarter than a show dog".. lol. I didn't really know what a "show dog" was... but he made me believe I was very intelligent. Your Great-Grandpa Wheelan was an amazing man. I will tell you more about him someday. Your Great-Grandma Wheelan was also amazing.

I took a video for you today of the beach we are staying on. Here it is:

I Love You,



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